Multiple File Upload

Oh, I got quite excited to see that Gmail now allows multiple upload of files - in one dialog.... but no, not without a little trick.

Gmail now allows multiple-file uploads from a single dialogue box - something which I thought the HTML file upload mechanism wouldn't allow.

Yes - before you think that it's done using <input type="file"> it's not... it's flash.

Still it is very cute, very useful and so long as you have Flash installed ( which almost everyone does ) you'd never notice a different peice of technology in use.

Flash has always provided nice little bits of add-on functionality.  Many years ago, before the phrase AJAX was coined we used it as a model for powering html-updates in the client without polling the server constantly because flash provided proper socket-level connectivity to the client.

Anyway - a very nice little trick, probably not original and well worth investigating for implementing in Spirit's asset-management systems me thinks...

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