PNG fix and Google Maps

Problem with PNG for IE and Google Maps (GMap's) API.

Further to posting my article Definitive IE PNG Fix I have discovered a potential problem which involves the Google Maps API. The problem is that the Google Map won't render in Internet Explorer 6 or 7 if you use the PNG fix in the "wrong" way.

The original post detailed how to attach a CSS behaviour to img tags to script the browser into correctly rendering PNG's. I also suggested that it was possible to attach the behaviour to other HTML tags such as div's and ul's:

img,div,ul {
    behavior: url(;

Whilst this an excellent solution for saving time it causes problems for the Google Maps API in Internet Explorer as the map is enclosed within a <div> tag. As the API automatically deals with IE's inability to render PNG images, there is a conflict between the .htc behaviour and the Google Map's javascript. This results in the Google Maps failing to render correctly in Internet Explorer 6 and 7.

The solution is simple. Just assign the .htc behaviour to a class, and then add that class to each element you need a PNG fix for.

.png-fix {
    behavior: url(;

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Responses. (4)

  1. Thanks so much :)

    Thanks for taking the time to post this, I've had this exact same issue today and came up clueless until I found this post - it would have probably taken me ages to realise that the PNG fix was the cause!

  2. Great idea

    This is a great suggestion and very helpful.  However, can we include the behavior into an existing class for an image? 

    When I attempt to do that, the behavior does not seem to apply to the image.  Any ideas?

  3. M Y



    This is smart and very useful! :)

  4. K D


    Thank you...

    You've just saved us 3-4 days of re-developement.

    Thanks you very much indeed :)